Week of Wildjoy: Dedicated to Mental Health

In this time of uncertainty and craziness, Wildjoy has created a week dedicated to self-care, mental health, positivity, and engagement. We will be posting activities and tips on our Instagram and TikTok around these ideas throughout the week (@wildjoyexperiences). One of these awesome activities is Joy Rocks that will last from Friday, August 7th to Friday, August 14th. Check out where the idea for Joy Rocks came from and how to participate below!

Joy Rocks

The Joy Rocks we hope to be scattered across trails and parks

One of the Wildjoy team members became inspired by her Oro Valley neighborhood’s way of staying connected during the COVID-19 lockdown that followed the CDC’s social distancing guidelines. Both kids and adults would paint rocks and put them in their neighbor’s yard and along trails in the area. The rocks had uplifting messages and were painted to make someone smile. They were a way to let neighbors and people in the community know that although they can’t be physically together that they are not alone.

Painted rocks is such a fun and unique way of getting through this hard time together. We want  all of Arizona to be able to join which is why we created Joy Rocks. In addition to the art therapy of painting the rocks, we encourage you to safely enjoy nature in your communities while spreading joy to your fellow neighbors. Learn how to participate and view the rock painting instructions below!

How to Participate

We have placed Joy Buckets at Naranja Park in Tucson and at Chaparral Park in Phoenix. The buckets have pre-painted Joy Rocks that you can take to place along the trails or share with a friend. If you take a rock, we encourage you to paint new ones to replace it so that the chain remains unbroken.

Do not worry if you are unable to go to one of the bucket locations! You can participate no matter where you are. Joy cannot be contained. We want you to paint and share your own rocks throughout your trails. This activity is perfect no matter your age! It’s great for kids, teens, adults, and even your grandparents!


This activity is perfect for little kids to add their personal flair to!
  1. Find rocks in your neighborhood
  2. Wash off rock(s) with water to remove dirt, mud, or bugs
  3. Use NON-TOXIC paint and don’t use a sealant. This is the most important step to preserve the environment and protect the critters!
  4. Write uplifting and positive message or decorate with fun designs
  5. Place along the trails edge (to avoid getting in the way of foot traffic) or give to a friend
  6. If you take a rock, make sure to replace with new painted rocks so the chain remains unbroken
  7. Tag us in your rockin’ adventure @wildjoyexperiences and #WeekofWildjoy #WildjoyChallenge

We can’t wait to see all of your beautiful creations and the smiles you put on peoples faces with Joy Rocks!

Mental Health Resources

National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI):



National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):

Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Crisis Text Line

Text "HELLO" to 741741